Friday, June 06, 2008

Fellow Holy Rollers: Tours to the Vatican?

Do you believe in God? Wow, that's an interesting way to open a blog post. Religion, politics, bring it on! I ask because God (the one with a capital "G") is such strange thing. Does "H"e really have a beard? Does he really live in the Vatican? Does he really speak Italian? Odds are that "H"e does not. And yet, "H"is agent on Earth -- aka the Pope, Papa, Man with Funny Hat -- does live in Italy. In Rome. In the Vatican. And in fact, you can even take Vatican tours if you like and meet the man. What do you say to God's agent on earth? I'd start with something light, something to break the ice. Maybe a little joke. How about, "A priest, a rabbi and an immam walk into a bar..."

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Stonehenge tours, now that we know the answer

You know they -- who is 'they'?, save it for a different day -- have discovered the answer of Stonehenge's mystery. What, you didn't know there was a riddle at Stonehenge, have you been living under a monolith? Sheesh. Yes, there's been a heated debated over the origins of Stonehenge. Who built it, why did they build it, what purpose, that sort of thing. Now after years of study, some smart scientists have an answer. Apparently it's a cemetery. That's right, a cemetery. Likely for some well-to-do people. The rocks at Stonehenge are aligned in such a way as to honor the dead. I think. For sure it's a cemetery. Trust me on that one. Maybe it's time for a Stonehenge tour now that the mystery is solved. Maybe.